Thanks to the commercial finance intermediary clients and their teams who have helped us develop and improve this new look and feel. We hope you feel we acted on your feedback and you like the results. If your organisation has not switched your user account over to it yet, here is a video showing how it works.

AXLR8 has been working for two years on a new set of portal development tools to create user experience (UX) – simple workflow systems that are easy to use. We have deployed them on modules of our other systems before but this is the first full systems refresh to come all the way through a year of broker feedback.
In addition to improving productivity, the new user interfaces we hope the systems are
- easy to use
- simple to understand
- quick to learn (virtually no training is our goal)
- flexible to change and evolve for your company
- easy to pick up again after a break
- friendly
- secure and quick
Please judge for yourself. Watch this video.
The new interface development tools are proven in many of our systems now including the Loan Matrix (Loan Management System), Information Asset register (IAR) and the new Talent Management and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) from AXLR8.